Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sick Leave

Mr. Snuggles is sick. When I awoke late Friday night, he was burning up and sure enough had a fever. Poor little guy. This is the first time he has been sick enough for us to actually take his temperature thinking it might be something serious. After a quick trip to Urgent Care (of course these bugs always hit on the weekend), we just need to ride it out. So, after counting how many hours of sleep I've gotten in the past two nights (6, I think, not terrible - funny how your standards change!), I think about my "first" day back at work and how it won't be on Monday. Again, come the mixed feelings. I was kind of looking forward to getting into the business of work, knowing that if I didn't finish what I started on Monday, I would be back the very next day. I wouldn't have to have a day in between where I lost the momentum of working. In addition, there was less of a chance I would forget why I was working on what I was working on. This is one downside I noticed while working part time on an every-other-day schedule. I actually got a little giddy around 11:00 AM during the work day, thinking, wow! I've actually done something more productive than change a diaper and put a dish in the dishwasher today! Sure, I'd look at my To-Do list at work and have that "woe-is-me-people-must-think-I-am-the-biggest-slacker-there-is-no-way-I'll-get-all-this-done" feeling. But, I was also energized by my work. Then, around 3:30 when I realized what was realistic and what wasn't for me to get done by the time I had to leave to pick up the kiddos, I would feel a bit crestfallen, knowing I wouldn't see these papers and this energizing work for another 36 hours or so. Trust me, I'm sure you're thinking, "this gal used "crestfallen" when talking about having to leave work?!" I'll be thinking that in a few weeks, I'm sure.

So, tomorrow it will be me and a cooler Mr. Snuggles, hopefully, hanging out once again. I can think of worse ways to spend a Monday. 

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